There is always a side quest...

There is always a side quest...

*If you are unsure of how to brew with certain gadgets, we have included a sneaky few recipes on the bottom of our bag, which can be seen on the right of the image :)*

So we have made no bones about it – Our first priority here is to bring you the best coffee we are able to. That’s what gets us up in the morning – sourcing the good stuff that will hopefully get you up in the morning… and finding traceable and ethically sources Venezuelan beans is all part of that mission. We want to represent the underrepresented! BUT… our brand also has a side quest,  as all great adventures have.

I can walk into a coffee shop and (for the most part if I am choosing well…) get a pretty decent brew from some high-quality coffee beans. I am sure if you are coffee mad like us, then you could brew your own at home using a cafetiere, AeroPress, moka pot etc and come up with a real decent brew too. Aside from here however, why do we accept that certain locations in life just serve bitter and flavourless instant sachets or jars of freeze-dried flakes – especially when it just doesn’t have to be this way…

Sure, not everybody has an espresso machine, and even if you have your own, you can hardly throw it in a bag and take it with you every time you leave the house… In the coming months, we are hoping to first show that great coffee can be made, and served,  anywhere as long as you have some solid coffee and the odd bit of equipment. Gone should be the days where hikers and campers, lovers of the outdoors are forced to stuff their pockets with sachets of instant ‘coffee’. Gone should be the times where you are slaving away at work only to be greeted by a bland and unremarkable brew on your break. Never again should teachers walk into the staffroom and be scraping out the stale remains of an ancient coffee jar and be expected to sail through the rest of their day. We can’t see it go on.

*Rant continues* This shouldn’t just stop with the places you work but should follow on to the places you visit. Appointments you have. Every day experiences. When you are in a waiting room, you don’t have to be sipping on a cup of black lava. When you are getting your hair cut, you shouldn’t be  forced to stomach a bitter cup of brew whilst smiling at your hairdresser behind you in the mirror. The madness has to end!

We plan on showing you how speciality coffee can be enjoyed anywhere and everywhere, with some of the most cool and innovative gadgets coffee nerds across the globe have created.

Watch this space!

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