Stanley pour over - yay or nay?

Stanley pour over - yay or nay?

So today we are looking a little deeper at the Stanley pour over coffee filter and its pros and cons after using it for around a month, in a bunch of different situations and scenarios.
Firstly, it's probably important in a world of coffee gadgets and gizmos to look at the purpose of this funky metal device. The Stanley pour over coffee filter has been designed to be a durable and extremely convenient filter for ground beans, mainly when you are on the move. Obviously, Stanley themselves pride themselves at being at the helm of the outdoor enthusiast food and beverage accessories market (we have all seen the giant cups…) so this was a no brainer.
This particular brewer however does touch on another key attribute: being eco-conscious. This seems to be a very popular tool for those who love filter coffee but are trying at the same time to reduce their footprint, with daily paper coffee filters being a part of that. 
Now right off the bat I need to say, any preconceptions from images or videos of this filter are thrown out as soon as it comes out of the box – its pretty huge! It is a very minimalist and classic Stanley design by all other accounts and we have of course opted for the black version.


  • Amount: All I have said about the size is true, its pretty big, but that swings both ways. You could use the Stanley brewer to make yourself a lone coffee on an early morning, but equally this behemoth could make 6 brews at a time which we love.
  • Weight: Following on from the size again, despite it being bigger, it is very light which is what us outdoor enthusiasts prize above most. We clocked it at around 9.5 oz’s campers and hikers out there.
  • Grind: Now obviously you grind to your equipment, but we thought it was very handy that the metal filter itself seems to align with a medium to coarse grind similar to other pour overs; Coarser of course than say the V60.
  • Sustainability and durability: I mean... its made out of metal. For the last few weeks this has been thrown in and out of my bag more times than I can count and is yet to have a blemish on it. We have also obviously not used a single filter paper.
  • Convenience: This gem breaks down into 3 parts in seconds and all are very easy to rinse over or deep clean. It also works with pretty much whatever you have in the bag or cupboard: Thermos (Stanley or not); camping mug; HuskeeCup; we even had a few brews using some ceramic Origami beauties...chances are it will suit your needs.


  • Size (again): It is definitely a two way street for the size. For when I have been hiking with the dog, it can be a bit burdensome in a small bag or god forbid a jacket pocket.
  • Cross threading: Okay, this happened only twice… but it did happen. When you may be in more of a rush, or are simply not paying full attention, it is easy to cross thread the filter into the bottom of the dripper. What this does is create a small (but tragic) gap where coffee grounds just get poured straight down when hit with water. A brew ruiner believe me. You will know it happened as your mug will fill instantaneously!
  • Grind (nit-picking here): You do have to remember to have an ever so slightly coarser grind if you are used to V60. This is really minor but once or twice we did forget and threw in more of a finer (v60-esque) grind which just became stuck the filter holes and had to be dislodged.


This is a very decent bit of kit for anywhere and everywhere! We used it indoors but also out and about. The convenience of it very quickly begins to outweigh any size issues (not that there were too many if you are already packing some water as you are most likely prepared). You do have to be vigilant on the set up because it is so simple that mistakes can be overlooked, however that same simplicity makes it a dream to clean and pack away.
The filter itself brought out a great flavour in our brews if the grind was right and if you are out as a group, you are easily brewing for 4-6. It is easy to keep track too as there are grooves inside which you can use to pour up to which are often overlooked but after a week were coming in very handy. If you have an even bigger group, then simply clean out and crack on again – it is really that convenient. Not only would we recommend this but will continue to use weekly in certain situations, especially when in a rush as throwing this in the rucksack isn’t going to make a dent!
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